Artificial Sweeteners: Too Good to be True?
By Dr. Tamara Kung, ND Many of us are becoming increasingly aware of the harmful effects of excess sugar on our health. Much of the conversation I hear today around healthier eating, is that people are actively trying to reduce their sugar consumption or are worried about their insatiable sugar cravings. The most common goal […]
How Your Gut Shapes Sugar Cravings
By Dr. Tamara Kung, ND Have you ever wondered why you find yourself reaching for that second cookie or indulging in a sugary treat, even though you promised yourself you’d be ‘good’? Well, the answer might just lie within the trillions of microorganisms residing in your gut – your microbiome. Creepy but true, and so […]
How Intermitent Fasting Can Help You.
By Dr. Tamara Kung, ND Intermittent fasting is a popular topic of conversation in the health and wellness realm, and with that, there is also confusion. The reality is, this is not just a trend, but an actual skill many of us can use to better our health. I say this is a skill because […]
Are You Keeping Your Brain, And Skin, Young?
The Cognitive Protector Factor By Dr. Tamara Kung, ND As we age, physical changes are inevitable. Our hair turns silver, skin wrinkles, while memory and cognitive function diminish. There is growing concern throughout our life that as our bodies and mind age, our quality of life declines. But, there is great news! What we do in […]
The Health Power Of Colorful Foods: Part 2
By Dr. Tamara Kung, ND In part one of this two part series, we examined how red, orange, and yellow foods support our health. Each has it’s own unique benefits for our bodies. In part two, we examine how green, blue, and white/brown foods help to make us healthy. Green – for Heart Health Cruciferous […]
The Health Power Of Colorful Foods: Part 1
By Dr. Tamara Kung, ND Nutrition is rife with controversy and debates on meat, dairy, grains, and even lentils! But there is little debate on whether one should eat their fruits & vegetables. And it’s no wonder why! Fruits and vegetables are full of nutritious anti-inflammatory nutrients called antioxidants which are the cornerstone for health […]
Magnesium And You: Muscle Cramps, Sleep, And Performance
By Dr. Tamara Kung, ND Magnesium is a mineral that is integral to helping us feel and function our best. It helps us build protein, strong bones, normalizes blood pressure and sugar levels, and it also helps keep our hearts beating steadily and healthily! But did you know that the magnesium is not just important […]
This Kind Of Morning Nutrition Can Help You Thrive
By Tim Irvine and Tamara Kung ND My morning meal has evolved dramatically over the years. For the first 25 years of my life, I was religious about frozen from concentrate orange or apple juice, toast with a bunch of jam, and some sort of cereal. The latter was usually a ‘healthier’ options like Corn […]
5 ways to build your health protection buffer during the holidays
By: Dr. Tamara Kung, ND Let’s be real. We will probably enjoy more processed foods and some alcohol these holidays… and that’s OK! Studies show that when we spend time with others, we increase our longevity by 50%! The emotional feel-good effects of social times are great, but there is a tangible, physical change that […]
Score Yourself On These Four Pillars Of Clean Living: Part 2
By Dr. Tamara Kung, ND In part 1 of our Four Pillars Of Clean Living, we covered Real Food (Pillar 1) and Antioxidants (Pillar 2). These benefits are critical for both physical and psychological well-being, as well as overall performance regardless of what you are doing. We asked you to score yourself on the first two pillars, […]