The Health Power Of Colorful Foods: Part 2

By Dr. Tamara Kung, ND In part one of this two part series, we examined how red, orange, and yellow foods support our health. Each has it’s own unique benefits for our bodies. In part two, we examine how green, blue, and white/brown foods help to make us healthy. Green – for Heart Health Cruciferous […]

The Health Power Of Colorful Foods: Part 1

By Dr. Tamara Kung, ND Nutrition is rife with controversy and debates on meat, dairy, grains, and even lentils! But there is little debate on whether one should eat their fruits & vegetables. And it’s no wonder why! Fruits and vegetables are full of nutritious anti-inflammatory nutrients called antioxidants which are the cornerstone for health […]

Pelvic Floor 101: Is Your’s Doing What It’s Supposed To?

By Amanda Dawson, B.Sc., M.Sc. P The pelvic floor is an area of the body that was most likely left out of your grade 7 health class, but it participates in everything we do, every day. We can find this group of supporting muscles, ligaments and tendons at the base of our abdominal canister. It […]