Two Unique Ways We Can Help Ourselves Thrive

Dr. Tamara Kung, ND We spend a lot of time thinking about and putting into place actions to support our health. We focus on nutrition and sleep to try and give ourselves the best odds to function well both mentally and physically. These factors alone are important influences that alter the trajectory for health, but […]

Is your sleep increasing or decreasing information

By Tim Irvine Everyone loves a good night’s sleep. The feeling we get is almost euphoric when it happens, so why wouldn’t we love it? Besides the conscious happiness we have with good sleep, so many subconscious, biochemical benefits help our health over the short and long term. We have also come to understand the […]

Eating Locally: Embracing Seasonal Foods

By Dr. Tamara Kung, ND Eating locally is considered to mean food that has come within a 150 mile or 240 km radius. In contrast, the average produce can travel as far as 1,500 miles (2,415 km) which costs a larger carbon footprint.  For sustainability reasons, many people are opting for locally grown produce. But […]